Thursday, May 9, 2013


Mirror mirror on the notch, who's the fairest VW of them all. Well Notch of course! I got this great NOS accessory Blendschutz für Rückblickspiegel - Type3 rearview mirror shade from Wolfgang of WolfParts fame. Thanks Woffe!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Progress On Variant Project

I've been using about half of the time I spend in the garage on the Variant project and other half on my new hobby single/fixed speed bikes. So Variant has slow but quite steady progress, unfortunately most of it has been dismantling. But I have welded some spots to keep also project moving forward and my spirit high. Right hand side heater channel was in very bad condition, so I made replacement piece of the inner sheet, bolted it to the pan and welded it to thin piece what was usable of the original steel. While scraping the under seal (which I deeply hate) off from the right front wheel housing, I needed to remake a patch under the front bumper mount, as the bumper mount was welded in so badly that almost dropped off only by tweaking it with a screwdriver. So I suspected the patch was not done very well either, but it wasn't actually that bad, but still it had some unpainted excess material left inside the spare wheel dwell, so it had already started rusting between the two sheets of steel. The drivers door had also multiple patches welded on top of each other so I decided to cut out 8 cm from the bottom.