It' must have been around 1990 in tender age of 14 or so, I loaned some Tekniikan Maailma magazines from the class mate of mine. There was a Callook project on those. Well Callook and Callook, I don't know where they got their background info, as it was the time before the wwweb or Keith Seume's Callook Bible. Anyway the style was more that British and Skandinavian version of the Callook. Some years after my uncle bought a '69 Beetle, he got my father to fix for him. My time had come and I begged a Beetle for me too. And soon there was, not one, but two rust piles in the back of the garage at my parents summer gottage, and within a year it was on the road. Too bad I was 17 and license age is 18 in Finland.